
Below are links to useful resources surrounding issues I care about.

Open government

On September 8th of this year, Guelph City Council unanimously approved the Open Government Action Plan. When fully enacted, this plan will allow more citizen input on city issues and more decision-making by residents, It will also improve accountability and transparency with regard to city issues. Accountability and transparency are the buzz words of the 21st century, and Guelph is already well on the way to achieving a very high level of both. Currently, the only issues we discuss “in camera”, i.e. behind closed doors, are those related to identifiable members of staff, to legal issues, and to the buying and selling of land while the price is still under discussion. All of these are covered by the Municipal Act, thus obliging Guelph to adhere to them. Nonetheless, there is always room for improvement, so we continually look for best practices with regard to these issues. To read more about our action plan, please click on the link below, and open each of the four tabs labelled Action Plan, Openness in Action, Open Data and Guelph Lab.

Cycling master plan

The Cycling Master Plan was implemented in April of this year, and it offers a comprehensive plan to improve infrastructure throughout Guelph now and in the coming years. To read more about this plan, and to obtain a map of the bike lanes, cycling routes and cycle trails in Guelph, please click on the tab below.Bike Reuse Program

Guelph strives to be a bicycle-friendly city, and to increase the number of bicycle commuters who ride to work or school even one or two days a week. In April of this year, the city won a silver bicycle-friendly community award, an improvement on their bronze award in 2012. We look forward to a gold award in the near future! Please check the tab for more information on this prestigious award.

The city also has a Bike Reuse Program, which encourages Guelph residents to drop off their unwanted, usable bikes. In turn, the program diverts bikes of all different shapes, sizes, colours and conditions from the landfill.

Residents can pick up a maximum of two bicycles per year and are required to sign a waiver. The inventory of bicycles may vary. Bicycles are available to residents year-round, free of charge.

Guelph trail master plan

The goal of the Guelph Trail Master Plan (GTMP) is to develop a cohesive city wide trail system that will connect people and places through a network that is off-road wherever possible and supported by on-road links where necessary. Some of these trails can be used by cyclists and pedestrians alike, while others are limited to pedestrian use only.

Energy initiatives




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